جَمالِ خُدائی است رویِ وَحید
جَمالِ خُدائی است رویِ وَحید
The countenance of God, is the face of Vahid
چو اَحمَد بُوَد خُلق و خویِ وَحید
Like Ahmad is character and manners of Vahid
تَوَلّا بِحَبلِ وِلا جُستِه است
Grasping the rope of Vilayat is found successfully,
دِل ما بِه یِک تارِ مویِ وَحید
Our hearts stuck to a single thread of the hair of Vahid,
بِخَلوَتسَرایِ دِلَم با خُدا
In the empty house of my heart with God,
نَباشَد بِجُز گُفتِگویِ وَحید
There is nothing but my conversation with Vahid,
بِمَحشَر بَرآرم سَر اَز خاک مَن
On the Resurrection I lift my head from the earth,
چو مَجنون کُنَم جُستُجویِ وَحید
Like Majnun, I search for Vahid
دَر آندَم کِه یَعقوب را نیست یاد
Even in that moment that Jacob is not thinking of Joseph,
زِ یوسُف مَن و آرِزویِ وَحید
I long for Vahid,
نَمیرَد دِلِ مَن دِگَر تا اَبَد
My heart will not die until eternity,
کِه شُد زِندِه جانَم بِبویِ وَحید
As I have gained life from the scent of Vahid,
تَمَنی کُنَد دِل بِدِیرِ مُغان
The heart beseeches the Deyr eh Moghan,
شَرابی زِ جام و سَبویِ وَحید
Wine from cup of jug of Vahid,
وَحیدَم چو سَرمَستِ وَحدَت کُنَد
When Vahid makes me drunk in Unity,
همانجا نَهَم سَر بِکوی وَحید
There I rest my head on the path of Vahid,
نَنوشَم مِیِ سَلسَبیل و طهور
I will drink the wine of Salasbil and Tahur,
کِه آبِشخورِ ماست جویِ وَحید
As our drinking place is the stream of Vahid,
گُریزَم چو رِندان زِ باغِ بِهِشت
I flee like the liberated from the gardens of heaven,
بِدیدارِ حَقّ رو بِسویِ وَحید
To see God, I go towards Vahid.
زِ روزِ اَزَل بود آیینِ صدر
From the day of Azal he was the religion of Sadr,
هَمِه عِشقبازی بِرویِ وَحید
All in love with the face of Vahid.