طَلعَتِ حَق صورَتِ صاحِب زَمان

طَلعَتِ حَق صورَتِ صاحِب زَمان
Seeing the Truth, (is seeing) the face of Saheb Zaman,
طاعَتِ حَق خِدمَتِ صاحِب زَمان
Following the Truth (is) serving Saheb Zaman,
حُجَت اُللهُ و حَبیبِ کِردِگار
Hojat-Allah, the friend of God,
کَس چِه دانَد رُتبَتِ صاحِب زَمان
Who is aware of the rank of Saheb Zaman?
دولَتِ حَق دولَتِ آن شاهِ دین
The government of Truth, (is) the rule of that king of religion,
حق عَیان دَر دولَت صاحِب زَمان
Truth can be seen in the rule of Saheb Zaman,
اَنبیا و اَولِیاء بَر خوانِ دین
The prophets and friends of God on the sofreh of religion,
ریزِه خوارِ نِعمَتِ صاحِب زَمان
Are given crumbs as a nemat by Saheb Zaman,
اوست رَبّانیِ آیاتِ اَحَد
He is the creator of the signs of God,
عِزَّتِ حَق عِزَّتِ صاحِب زَمان
The power of God (is) the power of Saheb Zaman,
دل بَسی جان داد اَندَر راه او
A heart that has strived and sacrificed in his path
یافت آخِر صُحبَتِ صاحِب زَمان
Eventually reaches speech with Saheb Zaman,
عارِفان ، راز دارِ حَضرَتَند
The gnostics who hold the secrets of Hazrat
سَر بِخاک اَز هِیبَتِ صاحِب زَمان
Are in prostration at the awe of Saheb Zaman,
غِیبَت اَز اَبصار دارَد نی قُلوب
Absent from the eyes but not from the hearts,
ز اَهلِ حِس دان غِیبَتِ صاحِب زَمان
It is from the sensual that Saheb Zaman is hidden,
عارِفان هَر گَه کِه یادَش کَردِه اَند
Whenever the gnostics have remembered him,
دیدِه اَز دِل صاحِب زَمان
Have in their hearts seen the talateh Saheb Zaman,
صَد هِزاران صورَت غِیبی عَیان
Hundreds of thousands of hidden faces become visible,
دَر قُلوب اَز جَنَت صاحِب زَمان
In the hearts from the heaven? Of Saheb Zaman,
طایِرِ عَقلِ کُلُ عَجز آوَردِ ه پیش
Even the possessor of complete intelligence,
بَهرِ دَرکِ رَفعَتِ صاحِب زَمان
Is frustrated, trying to understand the high station of Sahed Zaman,
عَرش و فَرش و کُرسی و اَرض و سَما
The arsh and farsh and kursi and earth and sky,
گوی پیشِ قُدرَتِ صاحِب ز َمان
Are nought compared to the power of Saheb Zaman,
اوست دَیّان در هَمه ادیان حقّ
He is the religion in all the religions of Truth,
رَحمَتِ حَق رَحمَت صاحِب زَمان
The blessing of God (is) the blessing of Saheb Zaman,
میکِشَد بَس اِنتِقام اَز اَهلِ ظُلم
He takes revenge on the cruel and unjust,
جان فَدایِ غِیرَتِ صاحِب زَمان
I give my life for the geyrateh Saheb Zaman,
جُملِه فِرعونانِ دورانِ جَهان
Every Pharoah in this world,
خون جِگَر اَز سَطوَتِ صاحِب زَمان
Is tormented by the power of Saheb Zaman,
کَس نَیارَد تابِ گیر و دارِ او
Nobody can endure a conflict with him,
جان بِگیرَد شِدَّتِ صاحِب زَمان
The soul is snatched by the power of Saheb Zaman,
دَعوَتِ حق بَر هَمِه اَهلِ جَهان
God’s invitation for all the people of the world,
روزِ رَجعَت دَعوَتِ صاحِب زَمان
The day of his Rajat, the invitation of Saheb Zaman,
روزِ آن شَه دان زِ اَیّامِ خُدا
The days of that king are the days of God,
تا بِدانی مُدَّتِ صاحِب زَمان
Until you realise the era of Saheb Zaman
بَر کُنوزِ حَق هَمِه مِفتاح اوست
He is the key to the lock of the treasures of truth,
عَقل دَنگ از ثَروَتِ صاحِب زَمان
The mind is bewildered by the wealth of Saheb Zaman,
حاجَتِ موری بِه شَب تَحتَ الثَری
The needs of an ant hidden in the night,
مُنکَشِف بَر خِبرَتِ صاحِب زَمان
Is apparent to the wisdom of Saheb Zaman
عیسی آیَد نازِل اَز چارُم فَلَک
Jesus came down from the fourth world,
دَر نَماز و صُحبَتِ صاحِب زَمان
(His) prayer and speech about Saheb Zaman
روزِ رَجعَت میزَنَد بَر بامِ عَرش
The day of Rajat…
دَستِ قُدرَت رایَتِ صاحِب زَمان
The hand of strength (is) following Saheb Zaman
اولیا و شیعَیانَش چون شَهان
His followers and friends appear like kings,
ظاهِر اندَر رَجعَتِ صاحِب زَمان
On the Rajat of Saheb Zaman,
هَر یِکی اَز شیعَیان بینَد هِزار
Each of his followers gives birth to a thousand more,
خانه زاد اَز دولَتِ صاحِب زَمان
From the blessing of the rule of Saheb Zaman,
خَصم بُگدازَد نوازَد دوست را
Destroying the enemies, kind to the friends,
قَهر و بأس و رَحمَتِ صاحِب زَمان
The anger, vengeance and blessings of Saheb Zaman,
راز دارِ شاه آمَد رازِ حق
The Raz of God is keeping the secret of the king,
تا بدیدی رؤیَتِ صاحِب زَمان
Until he sees the face of Saheb Zaman.