دِلَم آشُفتِۀ رویِ مُحَمّد
دِلَم آشُفتِۀ رویِ مُحَمّد
My heart yearns for the face of Mohammad,
سَرَم سَر گَشتِۀ کویِ مُحَمّد
My head is lost in search of the place of Mohammad,
شُدَم واقِف زِ سِرُِّ قابِ قوسِین
I learnt the secret of the Ghabeh Ghosein,
چو دیدَم طاقِ اَبرویِ مُحَمّد
For I saw the arc of brow of Mohammad,
کُنَم یادِ گُلِ رویَش چو دَر دِل
When I am reminded of his face, like a flower,
شَوَم سَر مَست اَز بویِ مُحَمّد
I become exhilarated by the scent of Mohammad,
تَمامِ اَنبیا اَز شوقِ دیدار
All the prophets’ out of their passion of seeing him,
نَظَر اَنداخته سویِ مُحَمّد
Turn their sights towards Mohammad,
عَزیزِ مِصر با حُسن و مَلاحَت
Joseph of Egypt, with his beauty and charm,
غُلامِ خالِ هِندویِ مُحَمّد
Is as a slave to a mole on (the face of) Mohammad,
هِزاران لَشکَر از دِلهایِ عُشّاق
Thousands of armies of the lovers’ hearts,
اَسیرِ تارِ گیسویِ مُحَمّد
Are enslaved by a single hair of Mohammad,
مُعَطّر گَشتِه بَزمِ هَشت جَنَت
The celebrations of eight heavens
زِ عَطرِ نَفحِـۀ خویِ مُحَمّد
Are scented by the perfume of the odour of Mohammad,
زُلالِ سَلسَبیل و نَهرِ تَسنیم
The pure waters of the Salsabil and Tasnim,
روان گَشته است اَز جویِ مُحَمّد
Flows from the stream of Mohammad,
گُسَستِه بُت پَرَستان تارِ زُنّـار
Idolaters tear up the threads of their belief,
چو بِشنیدَند یا هویِ مُحَمّد
Because they have heard the ‘Ya-hoo’ of Mohammad,
سَرِ خود را بُتان بَر خاک سودند
The idols prostrate themselves on the ground,
زِ سِحرِ چشمِ جادویِ مُحَمّد
After witnessing by the magic eye of Mohammad,
دَر آتَشخانه ها آتَش فِسُردی
The temples of fire are extinguished,
زِ نورِ تابِشِ رویِ مُحَمّد
By the light from the face of Mohammad,
چو روزِ جُمعِه عیدِ عاشِقان است
As Friday is the ayd of the lovers,
هَمه مِهمان بِه مینویِ مُحَمّد
Everyone is invited to the heaven of Mohammad,
هَمه کَرّوبیانِ عالَمِ قُدس
All the hosts, near to God, in the next world,
نَیارَد تابِ نیرویِ مُحَمّد
Cannot resist the attraction of Mohammad,
خُداوَندا نَصیبِ رازِ خود کُن
Oh God, give to your Raz,
کِه گَردَد خاک دَر کویِ مُحَمّد
So that he can become dust on the path to the home of Mohammad.